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連載:拿什(shén)麽配得(de)上你,高(gāo)大(dà)上的(de)中金(III)— 幹貨滿滿的(de)終結篇

作者:    浏覽次數:1686    發布日期:2019-07-23



·      背景極爲強悍(清北(běi)複交留學生)

·      實習(xí)經曆頗爲豐富(還(hái)都是Big name)

·      令人(rén)印象深刻的(de)記憶點(創過業等)






求職的(de)過程就是在不斷地找尋自我的(de)過程,所以如果你想要進入頂級券商,首先應該靜下(xià)心來(lái)想想自己的(de)這(zhè)個(gè)決定是否真“Follow Your Heart”。




·      我真的(de)對(duì)金融、銀行、證券行業感興趣嗎?有多(duō)感興趣?

·      是什(shén)麽動力驅使我一定要進入券商?

·      我對(duì)這(zhè)個(gè)行業了(le)解嗎?我适合做(zuò)這(zhè)個(gè)行業嗎?我會擅長(cháng)做(zuò)好券商要求的(de)工作嗎?

·      頂級券商是我唯一的(de)選擇嗎?還(hái)有沒有其他(tā)的(de)途徑或者方法實現我的(de)抱負和(hé)職業目标?

·      我在券商工作幾年後的(de)職業規劃是什(shén)麽?還(hái)有什(shén)麽其它的(de)出路?




你應該有更Specific的(de)理(lǐ)由去證明(míng)和(hé)說服你的(de)面試官“Why do I apply for an Investment Banking job”以及“How will I fit into this position / environment”。










舉一些具體的(de)例子:在面試IBD部門時(shí),對(duì)于EV/EBITDA Ratio,DCF Valuation,LBO Model這(zhè)些會計和(hé)金融相關的(de)最基本的(de)Technical InterviewQuestions必須張口就能回答(dá)上來(lái);




由于在你的(de)申請過程的(de)各個(gè)環節中,這(zhè)些知識點多(duō)多(duō)少少都會被以各種形式被考察到,這(zhè)就需要你在準備階段盡量做(zuò)到全面覆蓋不留死角, 而這(zhè)個(gè)過程又是沒有捷徑可(kě)以走的(de),隻能花時(shí)間和(hé)精力踏踏實實去做(zuò)Research并且反複練習(xí)、積累和(hé)沉澱。





另一方面是去了(le)解公司近期的(de)Major Deals、股價表現以及CSR活動等等反映公司經營狀況和(hé)社會反響的(de)方方面面;






如果你想做(zuò)得(de)更好,也(yě)盡量去了(le)解一些熱(rè)門行業比如TMT、Healthcare、Education、Machine Learning的(de)大(dà)事件和(hé)發展趨勢,目的(de)是保持自己對(duì)商業社會和(hé)資本市場(chǎng)的(de)敏感度以及培養自己主動思考和(hé)勤于思考的(de)習(xí)慣,否則就算(suàn)你進入了(le)投行也(yě)會難以在每天高(gāo)壓和(hé)信息量爆炸的(de)環境中生存。






我們來(lái)看看頂級投行和(hé)咨詢公司、四大(dà)會計師事務所以及衆多(duō)Fortune 500公司對(duì)一個(gè)申請人(rén)的(de)基本素質和(hé)職業素養的(de)要求


Leadership, Teamwork, Problem Solving, TimeManagement, Pressure Handling, Communication, etc. 


這(zhè)些Soft Skills從以下(xià)的(de)Typical Behavioral Question List就能顯而易見,而對(duì)這(zhè)部分(fēn)準備的(de)建議(yì)是每個(gè)問題準備至少三個(gè)事例或者小故事證明(míng)你的(de)觀點:

Typical Behavioral Question List


Describe your most successful effort in promotingteamwork with within a group and how your teammates responded.



Tell me about a time you led a group or team.


※Analytical & Problem-solving Skills

Tell me about a time when you used your analyticalskills to solve a problem



Describe a situation where you have thought of a new acreative way of dealing with a problem.



  1. 1. Tell me about atime when you successfully“sold”an idea to a group of classmates or co-workers, or to a supervisor.

  2. 2. Describe asituation where you felt you had not communicated well.

How did you handle the situation?



What negotiation successes are you most proud of ?


※Conflict Handling

Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficultperson (or had to resolve a conflict with another person).How did you handlethe situation?


※Initiation & Follow –through

Tell me about a time you took the initiative or wentabove and beyond on a project or task


※Criticism Handling

Describe a situation when your work or one of yourideas was criticized. How did you respond?



Give an example of a time when you needed to motivateyourself to do something. What was the outcome?


※Challenge Handling

Describe a time when you encountered an especiallydifficult project.

What did you do and what was the result?



Tell me about a situation where you had to adjustquickly to a significant change at school or work. How did the change affectyou ? What did you do?



Describe the last time when you had to juggle severalthings at once. How did you manage the multiple demands and what was theresult?


※Stress Handling

Give me an example of a stressful situation and howdid you handle it?



Give me an example of a time when you missed adeadline. How did you handle it?


※Ethical Dilemma

Have you ever been faced with an ethical dilemma? Ifso , how did you handle the situation



What do you consider to be your greatest personal orschool related accomplishment and what steps have you taken to achieve it?


※Motivate Others

Tell me about a time when you had to motivate a team.


※Decision Making

Describe the process you typically follow to makedecision about a plan of action.


Tell me about a time when you failed or made a mistakeand how did you handle it?


※Goals Setting

Describe a goal that you have set for yourself in thelast year. What steps did you take to work towards that goal? What was theoutcome?


※Pressure Handling

Describe a situation in which you initially thought youcould easily handle alone, and soon realized you were in over your head. Whatdid you do?


※Weakness & Drawback

  1. 1. What’s yourbiggest weakness?

  2. 2. What’s the mostdifficult about working with you?



What are your strengths?

※Goal & Plan

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?



這(zhè)裏值得(de)注意的(de)是,千萬不要不懂(dǒng)裝懂(dǒng),不知道答(dá)案的(de)話(huà)可(kě)以問對(duì)方一些其它信息,讓對(duì)方感受到你的(de)思維邏輯的(de)多(duō)面性,然後從對(duì)的(de)思路上試著(zhe)回答(dá),如果實在不知道就直接承認并且告訴對(duì)方你會Try to figure out after this interview。

