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University of Queensland Australia 昆士蘭大(dà)學




The University of Queensland Australia is a public institution that was established in 1909. It is located in and around Brisbane, Australia, the capital of Queensland. The university has three main campuses: the St Lucia campus, where the large majority of students study; the Gatton campus, the university’s hub for agriculture and veterinary science; and the Herston campus, which houses the school’s clinical health facilities. Other University of Queensland sites – including marine research stations, teaching hospitals and an underground mine – are located around Queensland. Tuition costs vary by subject and are higher for international students. University student housing is available at both the St Lucia and Gatton campuses.

The university has six main academic divisions: business, economics and law; engineering, architecture and information technology; health and behavioral sciences; humanities and social sciences; medicine and biomedical sciences; and science. English is the language of instruction at the University of Queensland, and the university follows a semester-based academic calendar. Some courses are also offered during a shorter summer semester. As is the case at many Australian universities, bachelor’s students can earn an honors degree by completing an additional year or two of study, focused heavily on research. The university’s research facilities include the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, the Queensland Brain Institute and the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. Undergraduate students can receive scholarships to participate in research during summer and winter breaks via university research programs.